
A location-based library of events


The Project


This study was part of a 2-days design challenge. Zeitcaster is an online platform that connects people to the events and communities surrounding them. Their main focus is in The Berkshires area. They also have branched out to listing live online events since Covid-19.

Zeitcaster was in need of a redesign for the header of the main product page to give users a better understanding of the context of the data they are looking at. The desired solution had to work on desktop and mobile.


My Role.

Lead UX Researcher
User Interviews
Survey Creation
Data Analysis
Research Report
Presentation Builder & Presenter 

My Team.

Rui Jin -
Team Organizer, Desktop Mid-fidelity Wireframes & Prototype

Bai Pai -
Mini Competitive Analysis, Mobile Mid-fidelity Wireframe

Alexandria Albert -
Desktop high fidelity Wireframe & Visual Design

The Approach

We followed the double diamond design process for this challenge.


The Problem


People interested in finding events in their community and virtual events need a way to easily search, navigate, and discover useful events because they want to see events that are most relevant to them.


The Research Process


I was tasked with facilitating research and collecting qualitative and quantitative data to help guide and inform my team's design decisions. I developed the following process to collect and compile data for my team:

Research Process.png

Survey & Interviews


We conducted 3 user interviews and a survey with 10 questions using Google Forms during a 9 hour window. We received 13 completed submissions. The top 3 key insights from survey findings were: 


Discoveries & Solutions

  • Based on discoveries from our survey and interviews, our team recommended engaging people to stay in the event page by adding a community chat that users can interact with each other and answer each others questions to add more value to website. Added a Q&A section in event page so users that have any questions about events can use this website to ask the venue about their questions. 

  • Added an onboarding to main product page to help users understand how to use website features.

  • Encourage people to register with a pop up window. 

  • Added a search box, filters section, and category buttons to main product page to make user experience faster and easier when searching for relevant events. 


Site ‘as is’ before redesign concept


Site with redesign solutions


What’s Next

Based on the results of our research findings, we've determined that it will be most beneficial to redesign not just the header of Zeitcaster main product page, but rather the entire main product page to create a better user experience when searching for local and virtual live events. 

The next step we recommend are...
We would like to develop better and more user friendly interfaces by creating more user flows, wireframes, and most importantly—more usability testing.


Video Presentation

A video presentation on solutions for Zeitcasters 2-day hackathon challenge.